
Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Amber Road

 Boyd Anderson, author of Amber Road, 
a World War II story weaved into the life of a young nyonya then.

This Nyonya with Boyd Anderson, Oola
Oola happens to be the grand-daughter of Chung Thye Pin, the Last Kapitan Cina of Malaya.
Chung Thye Pin in the fourth and most impressive son of Kapitan Cina Chung Keng Kwee
. . . that is how I am linked to them. 

 Oola under the portrait of her great Great Grandfather, 
Kapitan Cina Chung Keng Kwee of the Hai Sans.

She theorized that Kapitan Cina Chung Keng Kwee brought along Chung Thye Pin 
on a visit to his first wife in China, or Hong Kong.  That explains why Chung Thye Pin 
was in this picture with First Mother.